Password Catalog
If you're using the internet, you've got lots of username and password combinations to remember. - Usernames and passwords encrypted for maximum protection

Notes2 provides an easy and fast way to recall them.

Type in from any browser and click Go or Return
Click the Passwords button
Enter the note id# (where passwords kept) and click Submit
Enter the password and click Submit

The usernames and passwords will be displayed

As soon as your refresh or leave the screen it disappears

How to store your Usernames and Passwords

If you have a computer available to you use it rather than your cell phone because it will be much easier to edit with its big keyboard and screen. You will still be able to look up passwords on your cell phone and edit them there as well.

From Add Note screen type in Passwords and click Save
The Change screen will appear. This will be your Passwords note record.
Remember its id#.

From the Change screen enter the usernames and passwords in alphabetical order in the Note field as:

United Airlines Mileage Plus JR2096712
The note is in 'free form' style which means you can set it up anyway you want so you can store much more that simply username and password. The real world is more complicated that just username and password. Sometimes you may want to add notes or to group several combinations together. Here all TV streaming companies are grouped together with their username and then password. Better than having them strung in alphabetical all over the screen. The 3rd and 4th entries have details without username and password.

TV streaming
cbs Qwerty123 or - werty1234

sling 'renew this in Sept in time for college football games

netflex 'ceo to update this

End TV streaming

Set Category field to Passwords
Click Save and then click the Encrypt button
Select a password and click Submit

You can make this note available to others. For example, my Personal Assistant needs to know my usernames and passwords. I give her the id# and password. She uses the Password button described above.

I can turn off that capability by simply changing the password on the record

Updated 7jul19 jdr